Sunday, March 24, 2024

Weather Watch 2

 As predicted a storm with heavy rain and high winds moved across the region today, Sunday March 24. Pilot operations in Halifax were suspended in the morning as wind gusted up to 90 kph. The Atlantic Pilotage Authority will review conditions at 1200 ADT to determine if it is safe to resume operations.

In the meantime there was an early morning call out for a pilot to re-anchor the tanker CB Pacific in Bedford Basin. The ship was dragging its anchor which was perhaps not unexpected as the Basin sea bottom is not great holding ground. As far as I can tell no tug was needed to resecure the wandering ship. The pilot boat Scotia Pilot took the pilot out to the ship.

The CB Pacific at anchor in calm conditions yesterday, March 23. A trot buoy to the left in the photo is used to anchor Royal Canadian Navy ships on trials. The red buoy on the right may belong to a pleasure boater.

The container ship ZIM Pacific did arrive before pilot boardings were halted, and it appears that one of the berthing tugs was kept alongside for a time after the ship was tied up at PSA Fairview Cove. MOL Experience (see yesterday's post) was able to sail in the early morning.

The arriving Atlantic Star, EM Kea and MSC Cornelia all stood by at sea awaiting improved conditions. 




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