Thursday, September 16, 2021

Oceanex Sanderling - Update

 My previous report on September 12 ( see: update ) stated that Oceanex Sanderling remained in port due to bad weather (Hurricane Larry). Based on more recent information, that statement appears to have incorrect. I have heard that the ship had a stack fire soon after leaving Halifax on September 10 and returned to port for repairs and clean up.

The ship remains tied up at Pier 9C. The Oceanex schedule shows the ship sailing from Halifax today, September 16, for a September 18 arrival in St.John's, but there has been no posting on the pilotage list so far today.  The ship is now due to sail at 2000hrs .

Stack fires usually leave soot deposits on the funnel, and I can see some light black staining on the port funnel. The ship's auxiliaries seem to be running, with exhaust coming from the starboard funnel, and deck lights functioning.


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