Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Last week's visit of the USCGC Eagle was followed up today, July 23, with a somewhat smaller, but much newer, member of the service. USCGC Melvin Bell WPC 1155 is the sixth Sentinel class Fast Response cutter to be based in Boston and the 55th boat of the class to be built.

Delivered by Bollinger Shipyard of Louisiana on November 16, 2023 (other sources say it was accepted November 20) at Key West, FL, it arrived in Boston January 6, 2024. It was commissioned March 29, 2024 in New London, CT.

The Sentinel design evolved from the Damen STAN Patrol 4608 as configured for the USCG with the capability to carry a 26 ft cutter boat. The number of such vessels to be built for the USCG has steadily increased since the first order and now stands at 64.


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