Ships often meet entering or leaving Halifax, and good communication ship-to-ship and between the ship and the Vessel Traffic Centre ensure that the meets occur without incident.
Meets become complicated when they take place in the lower harbour when one ship may be leaving the Narrows and another will be entering the Narrows where there is no room to pass. It is made even more complicated as two passenger ferry routes cross the vessel track. At peak hours there are two ferries on each route, and they normally give way to larger ships, unless the ship's pilot judges that they have time to cross the ship's track safely.
Today, March 17 there was such an interesting meet as the coastal tanker Algoscotia moved from Imperial Oil to Pier C in the Narrows. The autocarrier Asian Empire completed unloading RoRo cargo at Pier 9C and was moving to Autoport. The meet was arranged so that it took place in the widest part of the harbour, and between the two ferry tracks.
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