Thursday, March 20, 2025

MSC Switch

 Ships of the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) are known to call in Halifax for a variety of reasons, including lightering off cargo to reduce draft for the St.Lawrence River. When I saw the ship early this afternoon it was off loading containers.

On previous vidits the ship has called at PSA Atlantic Gateway. All berths were open at that terminal today, March 20, so its visit to PSA Fairview Cove in Bedford Basin is unusual. It also used the west berth (which has the RoRo ramp, and larger crane), leaving the east berth and the two smaller cranes for the Atlantic Sea


MSC Kim at Fairview Cove on a foggy March 20, 2025.

The MSC Kim is on the Mediterranean Canada route. Its last port was Sines, Portugal and it is due in Montreal March 24.

ACL's G4 ships do not need special shore facilities for RoRo. They carry a long, slewed ramp that can reach over the dock cope wall. 



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