Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Louis S. St-Laurent - does arrive

 Yesterday's June 18 post speculated on why the CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent appeared to sail away from Halifax after coming within thirty or forty miles of port. It now appears that all the berths at the BIO (Bedford Institute of Oceanography) were occupied yesterday and the ship was just idling offshore until space became available to tie up.

When the CCGS Sir William Alexander sailed there was room to dock and so the Louis S. St-Laurent entered port this morning, June 19, and came alongside.

It appears that the refit at Chantier Davie involved re-coating the underwater portion of the ship's hull only up to the waterline, but not the remainder. I wonder if the crew will go overside for some touchups.

Nice job Davie - what you can see of it.

With CCGS Jean Goodwill and CCGS Capt. Jacques Cartier alongside at BIO there was just room for the Louie to tie up.


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