Tuesday, June 11, 2024

ONE Aquila

 Another of the "Bird" class of container ships arrived on THE Alliance's EC5 service today, June 11.

ONE Aquila a 145,647 gt, 138,611 dwt ship built in 2018 by Japan Marine United in Kure has a capacity of just over 14,000 TEU. Most sources have it at 14.065 for ships of this class. It is managed by NYK Line and works in the Ocean Network Express consortium of Japanese container lines, and uses the Latin word for Eagle in its name.

The ship has just completed the long slog from Colombo, departing there May 10, and sailing non-stop for Halifax passing Cape Town May 23. It will sail later this evening for New York.

The ship's impressive deck load was visible from Halifax while docked at Pier 41, PSA Halifax Atlantic Gateway. Its magenta hull colour could only be seen from the Dartmouth side of the harbour however, giving a very different impresssion.

In the foreground at the Woodside dock, the tug Atlantic Elm is alongside, but will soon be heading to Hudson's Bay with a barge for cargo lightering work. With fleet mate Atlantic Beech the two tugs shuttle the year's necessities between anchored ships to the shallow water ports of Baker Lake at the head of Chesterfield Inlet or to Rankin Inlet. The first deep draft Desgagnés Transarctik ship is due in that area about July 19.

(If you missed yesterday's post, there is link to the recent amended Tugfax blog post about Halifax tugs, and with a note about the names for Atlantic Towing tugs.)


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