With the departure last summer of Olympus and Okanagan the last remaining floating O-boat, Ojibwa, rests at Jetty November Lima awaiting events to unfold.
Plans for the Oberon class sub to be transported to Port Burwell, ON last summer did not work out. The community still has to prove a business case to the federal government before the sub is released into their custody, but a glimpse at their website gives hope this will all fall into place soon.
See: http://www.projectojibwa.ca/
Onondaga is a tourist attraction and B&B near Rimouski, QC:
Olympus and Okanagan have now been broken up for scrap at Port Maitland, ON.
I grew up in port maitland.... I was back there at christmas time, where I heard that the scrappers caught the sub on fire, and it burnt for about a week. When I sailed on the tug H.H Misner, we tried to get into port burwell. we grounded out in the mouth of the harbour, so I jumped off and waded between the pier and sea wall through waist deep water to pick up our parts.... no sub going in there. burwell is well known back home for being next to impossible to get into.